[MITgcm-devel] Closing momentum budget in MITgcm?

Jean-Michel Campin jmc at mit.edu
Mon Jun 3 15:41:47 EDT 2019

Hi Udi,

I added new diagnostics to make momentum budget easer (in Pull Request #219 made on March 20).
Unfortunatly, it's not yet merged in.
Howver, you can still take a look at the matlab script I added
 ( verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input.thsice/check_mom_budget.m in this PR )
since it also work with previous set of diagnostics (but less simple in this case).

And let me know if you have questions.

On Mon, Jun 03, 2019 at 02:44:49PM -0400, Udi Strobach wrote:
> Hi,
> Does someone of you knows to close momentum budget in MItgcm? Is there any
> instructions about it floating somewhere?
> I tried two sets of variables (for U):  tendencies
>    159 |UBotDrag| 50 |   160 |UUR     MR|m/s^2           |U momentum
> tendency from Bottom Drag
>    161 |USidDrag| 50 |   162 |UUR     MR|m/s^2           |U momentum
> tendency from Side Drag
>    163 |Um_Diss | 50 |   164 |UUR     MR|m/s^2           |U momentum
> tendency from Dissipation
>    165 |Um_Advec| 50 |   166 |UUR     MR|m/s^2           |U momentum
> tendency from Advection terms
>    167 |Um_Cori | 50 |   168 |UUR     MR|m/s^2           |U momentum
> tendency from Coriolis term
>    169 |Um_dPHdx| 50 |   170 |UUR     MR|m/s^2           |U momentum
> tendency from Hydrostatic Pressure grad
>    171 |Um_Ext  | 50 |   172 |UUR     MR|m/s^2           |U momentum
> tendency from external forcing
>    173 |Um_AdvZ3| 50 |   174 |UUR     MR|m/s^2           |U momentum
> tendency from Vorticity Advection
>    175 |Um_AdvRe| 50 |   176 |UUR     MR|m/s^2           |U momentum
> tendency from vertical Advection (Explicit part)
>     97 |TOTUTEND| 50 |    98 |UUR     MR|m/s/day         |Tendency of Zonal
> Component of Velocity
> and the advection viscosity terms:
>    177 |ADVx_Um | 50 |   178 |UM      MR|m^4/s^2         |Zonal
>  Advective Flux of U momentum
>    178 |ADVy_Um | 50 |   177 |VZ      MR|m^4/s^2         |Meridional
> Advective Flux of U momentum
>    179 |ADVrE_Um| 50 |       |WU      LR|m^4/s^2         |Vertical
> Advective Flux of U momentum (Explicit part)
>    183 |VISCx_Um| 50 |   184 |UM      MR|m^4/s^2         |Zonal
>  Viscous Flux of U momentum
>    184 |VISCy_Um| 50 |   183 |VZ      MR|m^4/s^2         |Meridional
> Viscous Flux of U momentum
>    185 |VISrE_Um| 50 |       |WU      LR|m^4/s^2         |Vertical
> Viscous Flux of U momentum (Explicit part)
>    186 |VISrI_Um| 50 |       |WU      LR|m^4/s^2         |Vertical
> Viscous Flux of U momentum (Implicit part)
>     80 |oceTAUX |  1 |    81 |UU      U1|N/m^2           |zonal surface
> wind stress, >0 increases uVel
> Probably I am missing something there...
> Udi

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