[MITgcm-cvs] source code for a coupled MIT-gcm

Seung-Jae Lee email.seungjae.lee at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 02:11:17 EDT 2007

Dear support,

I am very interested in a coupled MIT-gcm.

I visited MIT-gcm and CMI homepages, and have a question.

I can see the first figures on the web
http://paoc.mit.edu/cmi/applications/coupled.htm .
I was wondering if I could receive each source code for the three runs of
a) uncoupled ocean (black),
b) semi-coupled ocean-atmosphere, and
c) c) fully coupled model (red)?

Best wishes,

Seung-Jae Lee

Climate Prediction Division,
Korea Meteorological Administration,
Shindaebang-dong, Dongjak-gu,
Seoul 156-720, Republic of KOREA

E-mail: email.seungjae.lee at gmail.com
Homepage: http://home.pusan.ac.kr/~sjlee93/
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